Quotes Galore
Here are 18 great DevOps quotes that I read in blogs, saw on Twitter or heard at conferences:
- “The best TDD can do, is assure that code does what the programmer thinks it should do. That is pretty good BTW.”
- “Simply put, things always had to be in a production-ready state: if you wrote it, you darn well had to be there to get it running!”
- “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.”
- “Programming is not a zero-sum game. Teaching something to a fellow programmer doesn’t take it away from you.”
- “A phased approach to continuous delivery is not only preferable, it’s infinitely more manageable.”
- “So, what do you do?”
“I’m lean”
“I’m agile”
“Fine. I make websites.”<< Love DevOps? Take It To The Next Level With These Best Practices! >> - “Programmers don’t burn out on hard work, they burn out on change-with-the-wind directives and not ‘shipping’.”
- “The most powerful tool we have as developers is automation.”
- “The key in such a transition to continuous delivery is to expect things to get worse before you’ll be able to make them better.”
- “Currently, DevOps is more like a philosophical movement, not yet a precise collection of practices, descriptive or prescriptive.”
- “Any roles involved in a project that do not directly contribute toward the goal of putting valuable software in the hands of users as quickly as possible should be carefully considered.”
- “Lack of trust in an organization is really expensive. You can’t villianize others if you know their kids.”
- “To successfully implement continuous delivery, you need to change the culture of how an entire organization views software development efforts.”
- “TDD creates consumption awareness: when you create a unit test, you are creating the first consumer of the code under development.”
- “If you adopt only one agile practice, let it be retrospectives. Everything else will follow.”
- “The key to following the continuous delivery path is to continually question your own assumptions about what’s possible.”
- “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
- “Showing a strong success and visible benefits is key to getting others to agree to try your way of doing things.”
What Makes a DevOps Quote Great?
There you have, 18 quotes exploring the realities of life in the world of Agile, Continuous Delivery, and DevOps. Beautiful, aren’t they?
To me, what makes them great DevOps quotes is the combination of humor, humility and really smart experiential insight. I’d be curious to learn if you agree or disagree with my recipe. What do you think makes for great DevOps quotes? Feel free to add your own favorites in the comments below.